marking forums read

If the link above doesnt work this is the message I receive .

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please*inform the administrator*and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
Good deal. I had some problems earlier this evening, but that should have been settled down by the time you posted.
Anyway, glad it's working.
I tested it with Firefox, IE, Chrome, two smartphones (T-Mobile), and two different tablets with no problems.
Try logging out and logging back in and clearing browser cache.
I think I recall this coming up in the past with other VBulletin sites, and the problem turned out to be ISP's, or in your case- carrier, using proxy servers to cache web pages in order to reduce bandwidth.
Which probably doesn't help you a bit.
Logged out , cleared history restarted phone logged back in clicked "mark all forums read" and it worked :) thanks again Bob

Btw I'm on Verizon