Moose Mountain reschedules practice for sunday the 25th

Sat is going to be a good day, but it has been cool and wet these last few days. We didn't feel like the track would be dry enough to go on Saturday. With warmer weather on Sat and sun being out it should allow things to dry up nicely and make for a more consistent track.
I just checked a forecast and it said 5% chance of precipitation at 7:00pm and 0% before that. So before you say someone is making "dumb" decisions you can get all the facts. Shawn
The track needs time to dry, they calling for some kind of precipitation into tonight. Believe me I hate to have to postpone anything, but this will make for the best surface. We don't want any soft spots, hills, or potholes because the clay was to wet to work up.
thanks for the explanation Jason. I just had family plans for sunday [yard work at my sons new place]just have to do it Saturday instead. looking forward to shaking down a new to me chassis.kevin