phenom slow

Agreed you've gotten all good advise except for Al's normal taking focus away from the thread, re-read over everything and make the changes then choose the right tire and hang on.

Good Luck !!
Agreed you've gotten all good advise except for Al's normal taking focus away from the thread, re-read over everything and make the changes then choose the right tire and hang on.
Good Luck !!
"taking focus away" is your viewpoint, nothing more. My response to the original question, in spite of what you might think, is not, "taking focus away". If the focus of my response is not to your liking, this only tells me, and this is only a guess, that you don't understand the point of my response. Not a bad thing, just is. But these disparaging remarks about what I write, only distracts even further from the original point. If you think my remarks are distracting, don't just throw darts the shadows, explain what you mean. Distraction is a tool of the uninformed.

I apologize if my remarks are distracting, but I see them as very focused, and it's my opinion, it's your interpretation, not my remarks, that is the problem. But really, that's just a guess on my part because you seem to have no view on the subject, nor any information on why my opinion is off focus. You have no right to impugn my behavior with no explanation. There are people who will say, "that's the way it is" and expect you to just accept it, but I don't.

From the desk of Al Nunley
Comments compliments criticisms and questions always welcome.
If the data does not support the theory, get a new theory.
(Al Nunley)
I'm going to get myself in trouble for responding to these disparaging remarks. My problem is, the people that make the disparaging remarks, impelling me to defend myself, get off scot free.

From the desk of Al Nunley
Comments compliments criticisms and questions always welcome.
If the data does not support the theory, get a new theory.
(Al Nunley)
Re-read post number 3 absolutely NOTHING in there to help this gentlemen what so ever, confuse him more maybe but help NONE, Few call a 1/8th a Bull Ring poo eeeee MOST call a 1/8th a Bullring, measure stagger center to center NONE do, never run 2" rear stagger happens all the time.
Nuff said I didn't post it you did.
Re-read post number 3 absolutely NOTHING in there to help this gentlemen what so ever, confuse him more maybe but help NONE, Few call a 1/8th a Bull Ring poo eeeee MOST call a 1/8th a Bullring, measure stagger center to center NONE do, never run 2" rear stagger happens all the time.
Nuff said I didn't post it you did.
very presumptuous of you to speak for this other fellow.

I have never said, "measure stagger center to center" that would be way too stupid, even for me. And I never said, "never run two inch rear stagger" please apologize for telling people I said that!

Please understand, "absolutely NOTHING" is your opinion, based on your estimation of the other fellows intelligence. Now I understand he may have gotten nothing out of my post, but that's for him to say, not you. Do you understand the reasoning for me saying that?

From the desk of Al Nunley
Comments compliments criticisms and questions always welcome.
If the data does not support the theory, get a new theory.
(Al Nunley)
Al, I sincerely believe two things about you. 1. You are a nice guy that is trying to help. 2. That you do far more harm than good in nearly any post I read you comment on regarding chassis setup. How many other people get constantly criticized aside from you? Personally, if I was constantly told I was wrong I would take a look in the mirror and reevaluate. This is meant as a polite response and not to put you down.
Al, I sincerely believe two things about you. 1. You are a nice guy that is trying to help. 2. That you do far more harm than good in nearly any post I read you comment on regarding chassis setup. How many other people get constantly criticized aside from you? Personally, if I was constantly told I was wrong I would take a look in the mirror and reevaluate. This is meant as a polite response and not to put you down.
and I assure you, this is a response in kind.

In regards to point two; yes I've been told I was wrong many times. Still, in these posts telling me I was wrong, in almost every case, no details are given, no alternatives to my theories were given. A lot of people think I'm a pain, (you know where) but in almost every case, no alternatives are given to rebut my theories.

The fact that you think I'm doing, "harm" amazes me! The fact that I am often criticized does not surprise me. The fact that many other erroneous pieces of information don't get criticized, that really amazes me! As I've said before; the Sun must be low on the horizon for a person to cast such a long shadow. When a person tells me, "I have experienced, so I'm right and you're wrong" I just stop listening.

Not that I put myself in his class, very far from it, but Albert Einstein was a file clerk when he started to formulate his theory on space-time. He was ostracized by the majority of his counterparts for many years. And before you say anything, I know.

From the desk of Al Nunley
Comments compliments criticisms and questions always welcome.
If the data does not support the theory, get a new theory.
(Al Nunley)
The Albert Einsteins theories is not a very good rebuttal as a vast majority of his theories proved themselves true through his own hard work in experimenting instead of running them off at the mouth (fingers on a forum). They also changed the world. Al I get that you are a pretty smart guy and you have a self proclaimed trust in your theories. But your theories are unproven unlike that of Albert Einstein. The irony of the statement "I just stop listening" when someone tells you they have experience so they are right and you are wrong is in that you don't have any experimental real world data proving your theories to be true. The statements you make about not knowing because you haven't raced dirt and LTO karts and then state that you stop listening is hypocritical to those who have helped and are out there spending the time to prove their theories worked/failed. I for one would love to see you put as much time in effort on the track in a kart testing your theories as opposed to just spitting them off on here. Who knows if they do proved to be true maybe you would be the Albert Einstein of the karting world, instead of some guy who just has a bunch of theories on a forum.

I know, I know this is just my opinion, however my opinion is only mean to hopefully help you see that Im rooting for you to prove these theories so that instead of being hypocritical you can be the genius you seem to want to be on these forums!

From the bathroom toilet of my shop!
Comments compliments and criticisms were sent by my iPhone :)
If there is no real world data from testing the theory, the theory may not be that bad :)
The Albert Einsteins theories is not a very good rebuttal as a vast majority of his theories proved themselves true through his own hard work in experimenting instead of running them off at the mouth (fingers on a forum).
if you want to get that low, don't expect me to respect you. Didn't anybody ever tell you not to get insulting in a debate? It's been postulated by many that derogatory comments about a person's personality or demeanor, are the tools of a fool.

Albert Einstein seldom worked hard to prove his own theories. In fact, his theory of light being bent by gravity was proven by someone else. Albert Einstein believed we live in a static universe, and this is now generally accepted to be false, that it's an expanding universe, which is now the generally accepted theory.

From the desk of Al Nunley
Comments compliments criticisms and questions always welcome.
If the data does not support the theory, get a new theory.
(Al Nunley)
Never asked you to respect me, I see that u are ok with still being hypocritical as you say I use tools of a fool and yet you lose respect all of a sudden for me saying your theories without real world data are simply running off at the mouth. Which btw in a decent debate one would come back with an explanation of the facts criticized not be offended:). Get out there and prove it show us how smart you are. I'll even lend you a kart!