Racing June 20th The Dirt Track @ FRP Added Event Pass It On !

Kit Henry

Due to scheduling goof we didn't have another race until July 4th
We can't have that !

Added Event on Saturday June 20th 2015

Will try to get some bonus money for a few classes expect 3 bonus's for the three biggest classes. Minimum added will be $50.00 per class possibly more !

Normal schedule Gates at 3:30 pm

The FRP Crew
The Dirt Track Fremont Raceway Park.

Okay folks we have a few issues to address for the next race on June 20th and are working on the following:

1) Parking We have a plan in the works right now it may be implemented for the next race.
2) Kid Karts trophy presentation will be done as soon as there A-main is complete
3) Number of karts in an A-main (unfortunately the driving has a lot to do with this from the stand point of the scorers) Some say 10 some say 12 some say all 14 (The scores say 10 to 12)
4) There was a mistake made in the line ups of the split groups nothing against Kendra, she did not know how it was supposed to be done problem addressed.
5) No one enters the track unless you are A) pointing out an issue (ie the oil on the track) B) An adult with a kid kart or quarter midget C) Restarting karts (We will get a flathead starter to the infield at each end possibly) D) You are protecting track personnel
6) Adults 2 spins and you are done with that session Juniors get 3
7) Tech can and will be done. We have had a few tech guys not show up, we have one to get trained, and we have waved tech.
An engine builder can do tech, under the following, (They don't want to do it anymore than you want them doing it as you think they are judging other motors) One person from that team may be in the tech area, NO OTHERS PERIOD. If there is a question on legality, the final determination will be MINE, not the tech guy
( I know how to read the tools)
Is it ideal to have an engine builder teching motors Yes and No, whom knows the engines better, the flip side is everybody thinks the guy is out to DQ others motors, I chose to believe the second one with our local builders as false and I have used and run them all.

Kit Henry

Please facebook message me with other issues to add to the list
Is there going to be a set # that go to tech?
I'd rather see someone do tech even being a builder but I don't want to see only 3rd place or just one go to tech because they aren't using a specific builder engine.
Second use chips with different items to tech but it in a bucket and have a kid pull out what will be teched that time, have chips that say like one springs, stroke, lift, carb, even one that says no tech, etc easy tech items.
Keep it random
I really like random tech. I also like the point of parts being painted so they can't be changed after first heat. No motor change unless blown up.
Oh yeah, one more thing, great job Kit. Your action of addressing issues keeps racers coming back. When we see this kind of action, we believe you care about not only running a race track but about us and our input. Thank you, Stan