Runaway tire pressures

So, psi is spring rate and will effect handling. So it pays to keep good records. If you ever have tire pressure run away, or increase way more than you expected (on a car it would be 10 or more psi over predicted growth) you probably have moisture in the tire. This can be from the lube used to mount the tire, not purging the tire, or even mounting the tire in a high humidity environment.
This instrument will tell you percent of relative humidity in the tire. It's not perfect, but it's the best out there right now.
BTW, you want less than 15%

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I appreciate what your equipment can do but the reality is for most of us is that we almost always are racing at small l dirt tracks where a 1 pound pressure increase is the most we will see. Add the changing of a dirt track as the night goes on. I do see where it would be helpful on asphalt tracks of which there is way too few of.
At this point, you're both preaching to the choir. He'll keep making post, and you all will keep posting how far off the mark he is.

Key take away here, race your own race. Even if he's 100% accurate, very little of it will get passed to the few that could utilize it. You'll only learn what you want to hear.
That's the point, some guy will blow this off, some guys will look at it and say " maybe I should pay more attention to the humidity and lube content when I mount my tires" . Eventually guy #2 will have an edge over guy #1.