Scratch in Cylinder wall


New member
I pulled the head off my 206 today to change springs and have a look. On the bottom of the cylinder wall there is a scratch (gouge) in the cylinder wall. It's deep enough to feel with a fingernail. Will this be harmful? I can't imagine it being helpful.
If it is far enough down, not to effect the bottom ring, then ignore it.
Even if it is up the bore a little way, keep an eye on your lap times, and your "feel" about the engines performance. If there is no measurable loss of performance, keep on runnin' it.
If you suspect a problem, you can replace just the short block for reasonable bucks.
Is it a LO206? If so if you can see or feel the gouge im sure it will affect the rings somehow because its above the rings. I have a few marks in mine (4 years this year on em) but they seem to run fine and up front.
Yes it is an LO206 and the scratch goes from the top of the cylinder to the piston when the piston is all the way down. The engine does seem down on power that's why I was looking to change the springs and see what it looked like.