Setup Question

I have two different karts and run similar setups on each. They both handle great but one has great drive off the corner where the other one seems to be flat. Handles great but doesn't have that extra off the corner. I guess it feels like the weight isn't transferring like all 4 tires are planted.

What would you suggest doing- I have thought about going lower on left and higher on cross with same camber and castor as I was running. Do you think I'm headed in same direction?

The tracks are small lower bite bull rings.
All the stars are just closer in line everything working more in harmony on the 1 kart vs the other, First thing I would do was add some Lead ( NOT LEAD as in weight ) to it if it's adjustable.
If you cannot add lead I would move Lt rear in a quarter " and add more rear stagger. If the entire kart is washing up the track then make adjustments you mention. If indeed a 4 tires are planted to much could very well be just that tweek the tires.

Good Luck !!
Sorry for the incorrect wording Mr. Burroughs. The lead is out of the RF. Putting it back in the front pin-- does that make the kart have more turning force toward the shorter LS wheelbase.