Simple green vs mean green

What is mainly used at big races, in no particular order:
Water and Dawn
Track Tac Tire Wash
Simple Green
Track Claw Spray
Theres others as well but this is the main tire type washes you see when you go anywhere.
What is mainly used at big races, in no particular order:
Water and Dawn
Track Tac Tire Wash
Simple Green
Track Claw Spray
Theres others as well but this is the main tire type washes you see when you go anywhere.
Pretty much same here , however here simple Green is used the most and would be at the top of the list , and it's not even close .
Having a discussion tonight on cleaning tires. What is everyone else using?
Which is cheapest? I suspect that's what a lot will use. Both are aggressive degreasers - use accordingly.
Personally, I'm not a fan of using degreasers to clean tires because it pulls the oils to the surface of the tire. Sure, they feel great afterwards, but realize what you are doing to the tire (and prep that you paid to put in that tire.) Now, there are times when that's a good program - Where Ken races, they run fresh unprepped Burris; I could see that being beneficial in that situation. There are also times when you want to pull prep/oil out of the tires. Not always though.
That's why I prefer much milder (low ph) cleaners. Our Green Apple Clean does a great job, as does Trac Tac's tire wash. If you can't afford, or don't want to go that route, consider Dawn Blue dish soap and warm water.

🏁Thanks and God bless,
Brian Carlson
Carlson Racing Engines
Vector Cutz
Carlson Motorsports on Facebook
34 years of service to the karting industry ~ 1Cor 9:24
Linden, IN