Super Cheap Iradium Visor Idea!


New member
Hey guys, so I have been thinking recently, I really want an iradium visor, but I would rather not have to pay 100 euros + for one, so I had an idea, you know those sheets of one way 'glass' (film) to wrap your windows in? What about putting that on your visor, then it creates a blue mirror effect? I have been meaning to try it but can't find anywhere that sells it, nor ships to Portugal, but if anyone tries it out, please let me know so I could see how it looks, take care.
If you pay for it, I can buy it and ship it to you... I paint helmets and it might be a good add-on product for my customers.
Standard window films cannot be installed on plexiglass (polycarbonte, acrylic, Lexan). These materials “out gas” over time, a process that is made worse when the product is exposed to the sun. Because window film forms a bond with the surface it’s applied to, when out-gassing occurs, the gas bubbles get trapped under the film. This not only looks bad, it accelerates the failure of the film. Traditional window films cannot handle the gases released by plastic glazing nor the thermal expansion and contraction these materials exhibit. The result is often unacceptable blisters and bubbles.

You might try contacting Hanitatek ( in regards to the film that they's supposedly made for use in automotive and marine applications using lexan.....
How much is 100 euro's in US dollars? I bought a blue mirrored visor for my helmet from the local motorcycle shop for just $12 bucks, which is dirt cheap compared to some you see online. In fact, it was so cheap that I bought 3 new visors lol, blue mirrored, amber/yellowish, and a clear one. I use the blue for day races, amber one for night races, and clear one for backup.
depending ont he helmet, that is dirt, dirt, dirt cheap! i have two shields for my Impact Charger (clear and gold mirrored) and will be getting a dark mirrored and clear for my Simpson Voyager after getting it painted and lettered (trying my hand at gold leaf). i've been looking on the web for good prices on new shields, but some of them are really'd figure that afte spending $300 to $700 on a good helmet, you'd be able to get a replacement shield at a reasonalbe price....nope...some of them are way out there! i use a different helmet for day and night racing...hate sitting there and changing shields and getting finger prints all over it!