The importance of a LADD tool


Disclaimer: for information purposes only, to be used as close estimation. Not official not to be used for tech inspection.

For those without a LADD tool I show pictures of a GX series engine spark plug hole taped closed on lower side.
Pic. 1 exactly 2cc

Pic 2 plug hole filled requires 3cc

If you flow 27cc into your chamber and it does not rise above half the plug hole you will be safe. If you are optimizing for power or concerned about tech get the tool.
Now to prove why a LADD tool isrequired: this is the same head same procedure, I monkeyed around and cheated this plug hole.
I flowed 6.5cc into this plug hole.

This head would be usable nothing discernible from either side. The LADD tool would correct my indiscretion.