Tiogo kit Offset kart to Outlaw conversion.


Not sure what category to to put this under. So here it goes.

My local track here in Lakeport, Ca is in the process of awarding the contract to a pretty big time outlaw kart promoter in these parts of Northern Ca. Overall this will be very good I think. But this promoter does not run, nor like flat karts. Big Outlaw kart promoter though. So flat karts will likely not be included in their program. The next closest track with flat karts for now is 3-4 hours drive away. With gas over $5 a gallon right now thats going to add up fast. I would love to race this track that is literally 6 blocks from my home.

Caged Clones is my option. All karts in this class here are QRC with spec Tillotson engines. Probably 100% are QRC karts here in my area. Very popular class.

Yes the easy thing would be to just find a used QRC and go. But I like the road less traveled most of the time. I like to be different.

Kart has to have cage(no wing), kirkey style seat, 5 point harness, and outlaw looking body panels hood and tail.

Finally the Question- Does anyone have any experience with the Tioga flat kart conversion? I have been told that getting out there on an offset kart could be an advantage if I got my setup right. It is not cheap at all for the whole fancy kit at $2G shipped.
Anyone in here have experience with running an offset kart up against the QRC style karts?



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If you can contact anyone from .
Newton Kart club /klub.
They may have some knowledge about them if no one else responds .
Theres also a outlaw track in Knoxville is can't think of the name might be a chance .
I like to be different too ,so I would step outside the box and try a cage ,I have had 2 qrc chassis ,I'm happy with my emmick ,I live in Oregon so qrc are first choice
I dont know if they are still offering it. But they had an option you could weld it together yourself, they sent all the pieces believe they were even notched. If you or someone in your area can weld might be an option.