torching in tire prep

If I'm not mistaking it drives the prep deeper into the tire. Yes you need to set your air pressure before you heat.
Most tracks have a no open flame rule for a reason. Our local track has been lazy about enforcing it, but thats about to change. Its dangerous!!! There are other ways to do the same thing. A hot box, hot air gun or a gas grill with a lid. This is a safety thing for me. I've witnessed two fires in the pits and it aint pretty.
You get it warm to the touch. But I've seen fellas heat till the tires were smoking hot. Depends what your tring to do.
Heat, wipe prep, heat again burn it off (fire fire fire is cool yeah fire, you watch out for real make sure your using a prep stand or rear axle), wipe again, let it set. You wont be doing it this time of year unless your on a mug bog. And yes the saftey guys hate this...Wonder why everyone shuts there trailer doors at no open flame tracks during the winter?
As you torch your tires on the kart, please consider that the fuel tank is right next to the tire. Very stupid idea to use an open flame by a fuel container, if you ask me.
I'd go as far as adding at all big Money shows the top 10 are torching at every event.

Amen - Was at a big race this weekend. Yup lots (and I do means LOTS)of touches going inside trailers as I walked through the pits after qualifying and before heats!
Yep, lets hide that flame inside the trailer with the flammable chemicals, fuel jugs, and inadequate ventilation ! We so smaht !!
Of all the insanely stupid things I've ever heard of, this has got to be at the top of the list!!

Torching tires while they're on the kart, right next to the engine, has got to be crazy.

Like before all catastrophes, this will be overlooked by many. When the catastrophe happens, and it most assuredly will, people will stand around with blank looks on their face wondering why there was no rule against it, or if there was a rule, why the hell didn't somebody enforce it. Get some vision people, get proactive, do something about this before someone gets hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if it was my race track, and I found somebody breaking this rule, they would never come back. Put a big sign on the entrance, no open flame in the pets, period, end of story, no reprieve, no questions asked, no explanations listened to. No thinking or caring even reasonably intelligent person can disagree with this.

From the desk of Al Nunley
Comments compliments criticisms and questions always welcome.
If the data does not support the theory, get a new theory. (Al Nunley)
Why not just invest in a cheap paint stripper gun and be safe. About $50 bucks and they will reach about 1000-1250F. Plenty of heat to do prep on tires and a lot safer without the open flame. Just saying, ever been burnt real bad in a large area, I have and promise ya don't want to do it