trailer cabinets

any opinion on cabinets if you were to install, would wood or metal be the better choice I've been debating on the two does the wood shift to much and come loose. Is the metal to stiff and not allow the trailer to flex
Primarily on that, it'd be dependent on how they are mounted. Solid mounting points when it comes to both base and overhead cabinets will be key and the primary factor on shifting and fatigue. I have aluminum overhead cabinets installed in my personal trailer and up front there is a wood base and closet type cabinet that was already built in from the previous owner. Weight wise, the aluminum cabinets are superior as wood cabinets can be heavy- however with that, the cost of aluminum manufactured cabinets usually far exceed that of wood cabinets-- especially since most wood cabinets end up in a trailer after someone remodeled a kitchen at home. ;) While I may be biased, based on the fact that we manufacturer cabinets, no matter what (or if I worked someplace else... lol) I prefer the look and function of the aluminum cabinets. In my lifetime and several different trailers- I've had everything from Plastic cabinets, closet organizers, plastic storage shelves, etc. Pretty much have had it, seen it and done it all based on particular time, budget and point in my life. Budget probably being the key there with most of them.

I have a .pdf booklet I made on what we've done to my current personal trailer and would gladly share with you as it may give you some ideas and insight as to what you are hoping to do. Feel free to send me an email directly here at the shop.

or you are also welcome to call me here to talk trailers, racing, and anything else that comes to mind. :)
(262) 457-5018