Triton Tires for a JR driver


I've read a few books by Todd and Mike that talked about running a slightly harder LR compared to the right side. Is that still the suggestion for the newer karts or should they be closer to the same duro? I know the guys at PRC last week mentioned rolling the same ounces in the LR and Right side tires but that would lead me to believe the the LR would actually be softer than the right side. Thanks for any help...
In today's chassis I'd keep the LR fairly close to the right sides. The truth is that some run the LR a couple points softer, some run them the same and some run it a couple of points harder. Personally, if I can make it work I like softer to the same rather than harder.

Thanks Todd! I also appreciate hearing you speak the other day at PRC. That was very generous of you and all of the other guys that were there sharing info.
In today's chassis I'd keep the LR fairly close to the right sides. The truth is that some run the LR a couple points softer, some run them the same and some run it a couple of points harder. Personally, if I can make it work I like softer to the same rather than harder.


Hey Todd:

Does the same advice on the LR also apply to, for example, clone lite or medium classes.