Trophy Class Sandusky Speedway Friday

Bring a friend to run the New class at Sandusky Speedway Kart Track

Trophy class is intended to allow newer kart racers to be competitive and race same skilled drivers while learning set up and driving skills.

Adult Trophy
Trophy to top 3 in class.
Akra Clone Unrestricted with weenie pipe and drum clutch
No prepping of tires.**
**No duro has been set at this time but one will be applied once a reasonable number of tires have been tested and a fair number is decided**
No Cut Tires

Adult Trophy is for drivers 15 years of age and up with less then 3 years experience.

Drivers of trophy class can not race in money class the same night.
Once a driver decided to move up to a money class they must get permission of track officials to move back down to a trophy class.
A driver of Trophy class may be asked to move up if the track deems the driver to be above trophy skill level.

For questions call
Garry Chase or Dan Noftz​ You can reach me at 419-307-0465 or email me at