Vortex black cleaning


New member
What is the best way to clean the clutch when you pull it apart.othere then cleaning the bearing in the driver.
I normally clean every four races. I completely disassemble and soak everything but plates and discs in brake cleaner. For plates, I use sandpaper and scotchbrite pad. For disks, I use a brass wire brush. Then I reassemble and grease the bearing.
smc recommends a "prater " brush on the disc (small wire brush) and always assemble disc, floater and clutch in the same orientation , meaning mark everything and put it back the same clocking that u took apart......smc explains it all on there website
lol you are correct platers brush ,,,,,don't know what I was thinkin other than I had praters bbq for lunch lol
i run the same clutch, what does everyone recommned i use for lube on the needle bearings for the drivers?