what is the best Flatkart on a tight budget.

Nemesis shouldn't even be in someones top 10 list of karts to purchase - phantom has 4 generations of karts already inherently faster than a nemesis, and there's at least 10 to 15 other brands/models that are at different levels of comparison to their top 4.

I know I've offended the Nemesis guys, but I'd prefer that more Newbies stick around for a couple of years, rather than run a few times and never come back.
"Nemesis shouldn't even be in someones top 10 list of karts"

This statement is completely false.

I dont know what is fast in Indiana or South Dakota, but i can promise you that a race is won on a nemesis down south every weekend of the year. A nemesis is quite possibly the fastest/ most user friendly go kart ever made. And you can buy them all day for $300-$400.
"This statement is completely false."

Eventually you will race at a track that has a lot of bite. Good luck.