104mm con rod: CAD model


Here's another model I made not all that long ago. 104mm centers, 24mm big end, 19mm small end.

As I recall, this was for running in a B-Limited engine (B-Bomb or K35 as I recall). It was an initial exercise to see where I would end up on weight with a design that was machinable without too much hassle. (129.8g is what my cad program is telling me).

This was modeled in Autodesk Fusion 360 (pretty much the only thing I've used for the last 5 years or so). Just like the others, this was exported as a STEP file. If nothing else, things like this are fun to 3d print and have laying around. :)

Link to model file in my Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/po8m633in33zfr2/104mm_conrod.zip?dl=0

