Another track requiring Adult blue plates

The plates haven't leveled out anything. The same karts are running up front that were before. They specifically said do anything inside and it wont matter as long as the plate is on there. So we will see. This is a very small 365 feet in the groove, paper clip track. I am going to try a few things to see if I can get any more out of my engine with the plate. If not I have a hemi sitting here for a mod build but the rules are crazy for that class also, so who knows. Trust me if I had another option for a track to race at I would.

Have none of them ever been around racing at all ? on that small of a track the plate might increase speed if it's the exact momentum needed.
I haven't timed laps yet but I know I am as fast or faster than before. I can pretty much flat foot it now on good tires. The ones on junk tires are struggling more now than before.