Dawg Thread 2

Well woof woof dawgs!
Sad way to start off Christmas break but some sad news spread around my small town that I live in of about 12k people. One of my friends was in a very tragic accident. She hadn't been talking to much people Friday and had just been out driving around and it was extremely foggy and she went off the road on a curve and ran her car right into a tree. It was reported that she died on impact but the car exploded and burst into flames while she was still in the car, sadly she passed away but at least from what they told us all is that she didn't suffer in the flames or anything like that. Such a horrible thing. It was one of those people that always had a smile on her face and was always very outgoing and involved in FFA and the Basketball team. She was just a joy to be around and was taken from us to early. It was such a devastating event that the school was open from 3-5 today for counseling. It was such a horrible way for us all to start Christmas break off and I feel so bad for all of her really close friends and her family. She had a positive impact on everyone she was around and could make you smile on the worst days. I have never understood death and why it happens but it just doesn't make since to me why people like that have to be stripped of life before she even turned 18. You have all of these pedophiles and rapist and all types of people who are living and not getting in trouble for there actions but then the greatest of people pass away. Its so sad and I wont ever understand it. What makes it even more sad is that a lot of kids have been by the scene of the accident and there are still pieces of her car laying there that they didn't pick up. And the tree has burn marks half way up it from all the flames. Such a sad tragic event but if you could keep Sami and her family in your prayers it would mean a lot to me and all the people at school and her family and all the people whos lifes she touched and had such a positive impact on.
Sorry bout your friend,, horrible to pass at a young age