Diabetic control during races

HELP. My wife wants to race, the only problem is loss of sugar and the heat around here during a race would cause her to pass out. Does anybody on here have this problem or know anybody who does and what can I do to get her on the track safely? Thanks.
Have you checked with her doctor about what to do for her? Would probably want to start there. Good luck..hope she can get out there and race!
FWIW, I've been a T1 for 14 years. Insulin dependent as pills don't do anything for me since I have a non-functioning pancreas.

Obviously, in a hot environment everyone needs a lot of water to keep hydrated, diabetic or otherwise.

I let my blood sugar ride a little higher whenever I'm going to be in a high exertion and high stress situation. I'd recommend looking into slow digesting carbs that will keep things a bit more stable. (Book: Glycemic Revolution). Test more often, as annoying as that is, and keep some high sugar, quick digesting stuff handy. I usually keep some small cans of non-diet Mountain Dew handy to bump things up if needed. It seems to work fast in me, at least.

She should get a feel as to what is needed and remember, everyone is different. For example, sweating raises my blood sugar when the Doc says working out should lower it.

PM if you want.

Thanks for the info John. She had her pancreas removed and half her spleen from cancer surgery. I always have Coke around just in case. Thanks again for the info, will check out the book. Kevin.
My friend has type 1 diabetes and races no issues. Hes younger 19 years old. Very good driver wins a good deal. Has a pump, checks it a few times at the track. Pretty much a normal racer.
Should not be an issue as long as it is under control. I think racebrewer summed it up pretty well. Beleive me I know it can be done.
Talk to her doctor about getting a Dexcom monitor. It will allow you to know exactly where her level is, even while she's on the track.
type 2 myself....keep something sugary with me at all times in case my blood sugar bottoms out. I get real jittery when it drops so I watch my readings real close during racing season....and keep VERY well hydrated and cool....I race on asphalt and last year saw track temps hitting 135+.....

Kimball has a red and yellow bullseye on the right leg of his firesuit....that way, if he gets into any situation where he needs a shot, a crew man can stab him in the bullseye so that he can maintain...I would think that you should look at something similar...even if your only racing karts...
As long as you monitor yourself closely it really should not be an issue during a race. Check your sugar a few times before hitting the track the last one shortly before heading out , if it is running low or you think it might drop during that time then have a few carbs.
Might want to think about checking before you race and then again after , might help you see a pattern and understand what is actually going on , again this is where the Dexcom or other CGM might come in handy.

Just because you have diabetes does not mean you can't do things as long as it is in control you are no different than anyone else.

How do I know? Ummm I just do...
Type 2 managed with meds and 51 years old here. My biggest challenge is staying hydrated. Water, Gatorade G2 and no soft drinks on race day. The heat is the biggest issue for me in the hot months. Hoping the AC unit in the trailer will help this year. If not, I will have to start sitting out those races in late July and August.
Diabetes, T-2

I have T-2, diagnosed about 10 yrs. back, and I take meds plus insulin, my A1C has been hovering around 6.0 for some time with meds and diet semi-control. Just something that I'll prolly have to deal with for the rest of my life.
Hi Jack,

Good A1C numbers.

I know you like technical stuff and research. Try the book: Glycemic Revolution and the website: Mendosa.com

I was originally diagnosed as a T2 since I was 48 and a big guy. However, pills did nothing for me and eventually diet couldn't control my sugar levels. Eventually, I went to a real diabetes doctor (Endocrinologist) who ran the needed test and found that I was a T1 (GADA antibodies were present). My pancreas was on the long slide out. Insulin is now my friend, along with a slow digesting carb diet that keeps my blood sugar fairly stable.

diet and pills work for me....still have to watch the sugars....don't eat anything or drink anything with more than 10- sugars or 7 sugar alcohol's....being a life long choco-holic its hard not to reach for a candy bar. but it's something that you have to live with and work with. I'm 6 foot and 250lbs....dehydration is probably the one thing that everyone, not just us t1/2's....everyone needs to watch out for. I keep a cooler at hand with ice and water (no soda's on race day) and a cool wet rag in there too. go to lowes or hoemdepot and get one of the cool rags that they sell....$15 might seem like it's not worth it, but they do keep your head a lot cooler when you use them. might look funny to some to have a rag on your head, but while they stand there sweating, I'm cool....