hanging the body


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after bolting up the nose piece with the side panels and attached to the foot box.
Has anyone ever used zip ties to attach the side panels to the side rails. I used bolts with nylon nuts last year..
Zip ties,... good idea or bad??
I just sandwich body between graphics saver and nerf. Maybe a brace on right from nerd bolt to support inside edge.

Zip ties could work if enough used. Constant inspections may be necessary.
I have held a cracked floor pan on to finish the season with zip ties.
Not one of my prouder moments. Lol
Generally, zip ties are used for at the track repair work. We've all used them from time to time. The problem I forsee is that if you even slightly rub sides with another car, then the wire ties will break. I suppose you could use stainless ties, but what's the point.

I really like to use Dzus pins for what it's worth.

Thanks and God bless,
Brian Carlson
Carlson Racing Engines
Vector Cutz
28 years of service to the karting industry
Linden, IN