I agree with Barry on this, if its not coming back down right when you let off, you need to go bigger on the pilot jet, or possibly bigger on the pilot and main both. Someone else mentioned earlier about elevation, if these carbs were tuned in a shop at 650 elevation, and your at 450, your gonna need to do some fine tuning to get them working right for where you are. I have a holy moses from dover, it came with a 38 main, .24 pilot, i had to change the main to a 39 and pilot to a 22 to get it to work best here where i live, but once i did, it had great throttle response and was a great carb for me. Dont give up on them, you will get it figured out soon. Sounds like having one of each alky and gas carbs is only making it more difficult on you to figure them out, try concentrating on just one at a time, and do what Dave told you to do, get it running and spray carb cleaner around the carb, gasket area, fuel pump and lines, especially around the pulse line also. I suspect if it is running lean, you have a leak in the pulse line that isnt allowing the carb to pull as much fuel as it should.