Rear pills on triton

For grins, using your own scales, write down your cross %, then spin the kart around 180 degrees and put back on the scales, do you get the same cross %?

If not you have a scale pad problem or they are not level.


AHA! we've got a mind reader in here! :) i had planned on doing this Friday and i will post what info i find soon after! i have a feeling i may find the numbers to be quite different. Fortunately I've got 6 months left on their warranty! Thanks!

I wound up starting over from zero and re-adding all my weights to get my numbers to where i wanted them, i fear my RF scale may be on its way to retirement as i had used my friends scales and found a great difference in the RF weights... also his leveling stand is about another $600 more than mine, but nevertheless i am exactly at the right numbers and i appreciate everyones input greatly!
right front scale pad bad data
Make sure you pay attention to either LF or RF weight to ck scales because your cross will be the same no matter how out of level it's still using the same 2 pads. I would swap pads on the same side if possible to see if you get the same weight. Also make sure you are not chalking the tires on the scales that had me pulling my hair out on time.
Putting something in front or back of your tires to keep it from rolling off the scales. It puts it the kart in a bind and will really mess with your head. You really need 2pieces of plastic with grease between them under your scales if you really want to be safe from binding. Because of rear stagger it binds up if it rolls.
I have won 2 Maxxis National titles, numerous Tri State races, and wins at the biggest karting events in the country, and not once ever seen air density make any changes on a scaling out a kart.

Never questioned that but if your a smart man you'd realize your exactly right. Air density don't mean jack but to an engine builder. I was busting Billy's chops. I know him personally.