No Vintage Karts at Mid Ohio.....
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Before the rumors start flying, let me post what I do know... I was called last Saturday by Howard O'Chocke (VP of DKC and the Vintage karters voice on the DKC Board) and he told me that the Dart Kart Board no longer wants to have Vintage karts on their schedule.
The only reason that I was given, was that "when the Vintage Karts go on the track, the radio's light up". I have been given no other explanation of what that means. I have requested a meeting with the Board for an explanation or to see if we can reach some compromise or to just find out what the real problem is. The Vintage Class is larger than some of the other classes and I can not imagine what has brought this on. It also will mean a large loss of income for DKC. I hope the DKC Board will grant me this request and we continue to be a part of the schedule at Mid Ohio....
What brand best defines Vintage Karting? "Dart Kart" does. The club was born at Dart Kart Speedway in Mansfield, Ohio at the Rupp Plant. That is as vintage and historic as it gets. They kept the name for a reason. It explains their history and the fact that they are one of the oldest clubs in the U.S. Why wouldn't they embrace Vintage Karting. It's what their history and name is all about.
But they look down on the Vintage Karts...
I guess we aren't good enough for them.....
And can afford to lose 12 to 16 entries...
Now I see there is no Vintage Karts listed on the DKC Web site Class listing for 2014...
They have offered No explanations, made no contact, nothing from DKC as to why they eliminated the Vintage karts....
My family had been racing there, off and on, since late 70's... Long before many of the Board members were even involved in Karting.
So, this is what 4 people can decided to do for no reason....
Which classes are next?? Yours???? LO Classes???? And don't try and help.... You'll be labeled a troublemaker...
Anyone can email me and I will be happy to tell you what I know....
Thanks for reading...
Rick Chapman
VKA Enduro Director
Please "Share" this with all your friends.....
Before the rumors start flying, let me post what I do know... I was called last Saturday by Howard O'Chocke (VP of DKC and the Vintage karters voice on the DKC Board) and he told me that the Dart Kart Board no longer wants to have Vintage karts on their schedule.
The only reason that I was given, was that "when the Vintage Karts go on the track, the radio's light up". I have been given no other explanation of what that means. I have requested a meeting with the Board for an explanation or to see if we can reach some compromise or to just find out what the real problem is. The Vintage Class is larger than some of the other classes and I can not imagine what has brought this on. It also will mean a large loss of income for DKC. I hope the DKC Board will grant me this request and we continue to be a part of the schedule at Mid Ohio....
What brand best defines Vintage Karting? "Dart Kart" does. The club was born at Dart Kart Speedway in Mansfield, Ohio at the Rupp Plant. That is as vintage and historic as it gets. They kept the name for a reason. It explains their history and the fact that they are one of the oldest clubs in the U.S. Why wouldn't they embrace Vintage Karting. It's what their history and name is all about.
But they look down on the Vintage Karts...
I guess we aren't good enough for them.....
And can afford to lose 12 to 16 entries...
Now I see there is no Vintage Karts listed on the DKC Web site Class listing for 2014...
They have offered No explanations, made no contact, nothing from DKC as to why they eliminated the Vintage karts....
My family had been racing there, off and on, since late 70's... Long before many of the Board members were even involved in Karting.
So, this is what 4 people can decided to do for no reason....
Which classes are next?? Yours???? LO Classes???? And don't try and help.... You'll be labeled a troublemaker...
Anyone can email me and I will be happy to tell you what I know....
Thanks for reading...
Rick Chapman
VKA Enduro Director